Friday, June 27, 2014

Discharged from the hospital in three days and finally home!

So the morning of day three I thought we would for sure be there another night in the hospital.  Olivia woke up again scared to get out of bed then her right leg was hurting.  PT came back and had her walking well within 20 mins.  We decided to go get lunch in the cafeteria after we played in the playroom for a bit.  By the time we got back upstairs to our rooms we were talking to the nurse about possibly discharging and staying at RMH for one night.  Dr. George agreed and we did.

John one of our nurses was surprised they were leaving so soon and sat down in disbelief!

Olivia hated the smell of the alcohol wipes when getting out her IV!

When we left the hospital the girls were very sensative still (of course) in their neck muscles when the car would hit a bump.  I thought "oh boy this is gonna be a fun ride home".  However, the next day when we started traveling home both girls did fine.  No complaints!  So, that extra night was huge.

We got home very late but our other kids were so happy to see us.  It felt so good to be back in my own bed without all the interuptions hospital life has to offer.

So, now, it has me thinking that God does not plan for our testimony to stop here.  I have a goal of posting on Chiari and encouraging other moms through the journey when they contact me.  I can't say this was the easiest thing to do ever.  Even though, reading through it, doesn't seem too bad.  Emotionally, it is such a difficult thing.  Your sweet baby(s) going through any surgery would be emotional for any parent.  However, I had to fully and totally put my trust in God.  I put both children in his hands and they came through with no issues.

Today marks one week since surgery.  Both girls are moving well.  No running, walking better.  Still not looking up or down with their necks.  The incisions are sometimes itchy but look fantastic.  They are playing well and not overly tired.  I think I have given them a handful of doses of tylenol but not much.  Neither girl has complained of a headache even one time!  Olivia continues to be excited about feeling things with her hands.  Apparently, she had lost feeling in the tongue, the fingers and outside of her skin.  Her face she is actually bothered by her hair touching it now!  So, I think she had lost more feeling than she knew.

A Neurosurgeon we saw once told me a patient told him that syringomyelia was like cooking a frog.  You put a frog in cold water and heat the water up to cook them.  It is a gradual change and that is why they don't jump out of the pot.  They don't notice.  This holds true for syrinxs.  I can say that over time, Olivia lost feeling so gradually, she didn't complain or tend to notice.  So, I praise God that he revealed this to us and how he is getting her back to normal so well.  Also, the surgery seems to have calmed Olivia down some.  Before she could almost never sit still.  Now, she seems less agitated.  I think the constant tingling was causing her to constantly move.  She could not even sit still to eat!  Also, her appetite has gone up.  I'm sure having feeling in her tongue again has helped!

Anyways, that is my little update for now.  Our next big appointment is in September with Dr. George to evaluate how they are doing and then I'm sure he will be scheduling Olivia's next spinal MRI to look at the syrinxs.  I I know that they are improving already.  God's healed her and I also have that "gut" mama instinct.

I sure hope that if your reading this blog and you are getting ready to go through this or are making decisions on the surgery, that you will be encouraged.

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