Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Happy November

Well, we have finally moved into a new house. Again lol. Yes we left the last one due to mold and poor air quality. Here is just one spot of mold in one area of the house. We found black mold also in the home. 

Like magic, coughing got better. Life was cough free until last week :( so kids got stustuffy noses and also got coughs. But these coughs were normal. Not the cough that they wake up gasping for air like theyou can't breathe. That is a nightmare to go through. If my other kids who had not had surgery not coughed the same way, if would have believed it was a surgery thing. So when thsee coughs came and left so quick, it knew it had to be that house we were in. We are half unpacked but, this time it is different.

School private school and homeschool and work all great. Actually, there is a teacher I met recently that was just diagnosed with chiari! Because chiari is so rare right??!! Anyways,we have had an adjustment to our new lives.

See, we left a life to be closer to family. We sold a business, our home, left friends and took a couple months off and went through surgery and now are back to a sense of normal. I can't seem to bring myself to call anything home anymore. If I could ever afford it, I would travel with the kids and see lots of places. I would get an rv and drive around the 48 states and go see landmarks making memories that count. I feel caged up, like we ot another chance to live life and I don't want to roll with the motions. But, I'm hoping to do travel more in a few years.

I've been reading blogs about full time rv families. I'm sure it's not all perfect, but it do think that it would be even more fun to do that with friends. The only reason I'm sharing my crazy travel ddreams are because for so long I've had special needs and sick kids and those days are behind us. The kids symptoms are way less and manageable. My personal autoimmune weirdo flares have gone down as well. 

Birthdays came and went and we see and talk to family daily.  New chapters are ready to be written. Chiari is just a chapter now. A long one but not our main one. :)

I'm thank God every day that he has delivered us. Hugs to our fans out there that love to keep up with our journey. 

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