Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia

So just found out another kid has Chiari.  Well, actually they labeled it Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia.  I have read it is because it doesn't meet the measurment guidlines for true Chiari.  But, I think that looking at the images

That it looks like anything BUT Chiari!  I mean it has a classic shape.  So, I am just going to be praying that this is going to remain stable.

Why did we get her MRI done? Well, honestly because for years we have known something wasn't "right".  The fine motor issues are getting better, but at 12 you should be able to open packages and door knobs!  Things like handwriting in school, super slow.  Gross motor issues have now got a new name of hypotonia.  So, yea, I think the Chiari has affected her over time for sure.  This is more proof to me that the size of the herniation doesn't matter.  My 4yr old's herniation isn't that bad at all, yet she has significant (actually the docs call it "compelling") syringomyelia. 

The plan for now?  Physical therapy to increase muscle strength, and working out at the gym.  Weight gain is a concern with the limited activity that goes on due to being tired easily. 

The goal is to live a great life, a healthy life, and a full of God life.  :)

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